Mark Cowan
Director of Transport, Logistics & Concrete
BAA (British Aggregates Association)
Leadership Statement
The British Aggregates Association is delighted to become a strategic partner of Driving for Better Business and join the other organisations actively engaged in improving work-related road safety and risk management.
One of my remits when taking on the role as Director of Transport, Logistics and Concrete for the BAA was to ensure that our members receive as much support and guidance as possible concerning their transport operations.
Being part of this government backed National Highways programme ensures that our members have access to free resources that will help them reduce work-related road risk and improve compliance with current legislation and guidance.
Sadly, our industry has come under scrutiny over the past 12/18 months. We, the BAA, will continue to work with the other DfBB strategic partners to help make our member transport operations as safe as possible in the future by sharing good practice.
We have some exciting plans coming up, with both DfBB and National Highways, which will further enhance what we can offer, with a host of other free resources for our members and their employees.
The Driving for Better Business Campaign not only shows that we will take the lead when it comes to raising standards within our industry, but it shows our commitment to helping educate others when it comes to legislation and compliance.
Road Risk Champions

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