Driver Safety – The Workplace Risks

Around 120,000 HR and Health & Safety professionals will be out in force in Birmingham this spring at one of the biggest exhibitions of the year: the Health and Safety Event. featuring the Driver Safety Zone – 25-27 April, 2023 – NEC Hall 3, Birmingham

There will be a welcome focus on the well-known hazards of workplaces, of course, including one that often slips under the radar of employers. In fact, it’s one of the highest-risk activities many employees experience – driving for work.

Driving for work – the hidden risks?

Some one in three road collisions in Britain involves someone driving as part of their job – plus many more involving people travelling to or from their place of work. The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to take appropriate steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their activities when at work. This applies when your employees are driving in exactly the same way as it does in the workplace more generally.

Driving for Better Business is a free to access programme helping Health and Safety Professionals reduce work-related road risk and improve compliance with current legislation & guidance. The free online tools and resources help those who manage vehicles and drivers evaluate practices, strengthen culture, enhance performance and demonstrate leadership to improve driver safety. Those visiting the Health and Safety Event this April will be able to see how the programme works and try some of the tools available to help them manage and reduce work related road risk.

Driver Safety | The Health & Safety Event

Visitors to Driving for Better Business’s Driver Safety Zone at the event can play a game with a serious message: how braking distances are affected by loading, tyre and weather conditions and how impairment from drugs, alcohol and driver fatigue alters reaction times and performance.

Over the three days, there will be a comprehensive programme of speakers in panel sessions covering topical issues such as driver distractions, leadership and behaviour change. Nick Harris, CEO of National Highways is among a host of industry professionals in the Driver Safety Theatre sharing expertise on key themes such as safety leadership, vehicle safety, behaviour change, legal responsibilities and driver fatigue to help driver and vehicle managers meet their biggest challenges.

Commercial vehicles – safety challenges on the rise

“The sector continues to change,” says Simon Turner, Campaigns Manager for Driving for Better Business. “The number of commercial vehicles, especially vans, on our roads has increased significantly over the last few years. The safety of those vehicles and the people driving them and, increasingly, the wellbeing of those drivers, is gaining ever more importance among employers who realise that good management of those who drive for work is critical, and that good safety management and efficient, high-performing companies go hand in hand.

“For those who manage occupational road risk, there’s a lot to learn, and a lot to communicate to drivers.

We’re here to share resources, provide support and encouragement and help find any gaps in current operations.”

Driving for Better Business is also bringing together a range of expert partners to help provide content in the theatre and support visitors. Exhibitors in the Driver Safety Zone area include D-Tec, Westcotec, Esitu, IAM Roadsmart and RED Driver training. The Driver Safety Zone’s focus at this year’s Health and Safety Event is to deliver the latest advice on guidance from experts on how to manage driver safety effectively.



Simon Turner

Simon Turner
Campaign Manager
Driving for Better Business

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