Health and Safety Professionals – is this you?

Do you and your team have the best Driver Risk Management credentials? Would you like to be recognised for your efforts to reduce road risk in your organisation?

National Highways is again celebrating the UK’s best performing driver employers with their award for Best Driver Risk Management at the Safety & Health Excellence Awards 2024.

Recognising risk management excellence

This award will be announced at The Safety & Health Excellence Awards on the 1st May 2024. It’s role is to recognise employers who have taken a proactive, comprehensive, and consistent approach to the management of their work-related road risk. Safer drivers are involved in fewer incidents, cause less damage, less wear and tear on company vehicles and use less fuel, which is currently a critical issue for many organisations. The winners of this award will be able to demonstrate tangible improvements in driver wellbeing and safety culture.

They will have shown initiative, boldness, and exemplary management practices, in the same way as Heineken, the winners of Best Driver Risk Management in 2023, were able to demonstrate.

Fleet Safety Champions

Fleet Managers and Safety Managers are invited to apply before the 1st March 2024 at 11:59am. Driving for work is one of the highest-risk activities that most employees undertake. It is also a significant cost to the business. This award emphasises the mission of the National Highways Driving for Better Business programme – to improve safety and reduce risk for all those who drive or ride for work, by promoting good management practice and demonstrating the significant business benefits.

Best Driver Risk Management Award

The good news is that it is easy to enter. You can keep the information you submit simple. Not all of the judges are technical experts so they are looking for organisations to submit a clear and precise entry that simplistically highlight the merits for its submission.

They will of course want evidence of significant improvements, such as a reduction in collisions, a safer working environment, fewer speeding offences, lower insurance premiums or improved fuel economy.

You will be able to cover the level of detail required in under 1000 words so it’s definitely worth taking a look at the criteria if you are managing driver safety in any capacity.

Details of how and where to complete submissions are available here:

The winner will be announced at the Safety & Health Excellence Awards at a dinner with 700 safety and health professionals, hosted by well-known presenter Dara Ó Briain, on 1 May 2024 at The Vox, NEC Birmingham.

Last year’s Safety & Health Excellence Awards attracted more than 200 entries – so if your organisation would like recognition for the work you are doing in reducing road risk for your drivers and the road users they share the road network with, please enter now.



Simon Turner

Simon Turner
Campaign Manager
Driving for Better Business

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