DfBB Articles

Van owners face £54million MOT repair bill from tomorrow

By |2020-07-31T15:56:01+01:00July 31st, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

MOTs - lockdown exemption lifted An estimated 1.2 million vans had their MOTs postponed during the COVID-19 lockdown exemption, which lifts on August 1 2020, according to an investigation by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. The brand is urging drivers to get vans checked and repaired safely and professionally. Analysis of historical MOT test figures show

Has COVID-19 accelerated the drive for sustainable mobility?

By |2020-07-24T17:35:31+01:00July 24th, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

Sustainable mobility Has COVID-19 accelerated the drive for sustainable mobility? Figures for the first half of 2020 show a marked decline in new car sales, which was to be expected during lockdown but, hidden in there, is an equally significant rise in the sales of battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. For June in

National radio launch for our ‘Ready for the Road?’ App

By |2020-06-25T20:09:17+01:00June 22nd, 2020|DfBB Articles|

On 11th June, Driving for Better Business launched the Ready for the Road? driver app and management portal. To support this, Campaign Manager Simon Turner, was interviewed for national and regional radio broadcasts during Thursday and Friday. For more information about the campaign listen to Simon Turner on our podcast below. Radio

As lockdown is lifted make sure your fleet housekeeping is in order

By |2022-12-21T11:35:20+00:00June 18th, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

Business survival after COVID-19 As uncertainty continues in relation to the country’s route through the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are fighting for survival. Weeks of lockdown have turned into months, and organisations across many different sectors are coming to terms with what could turn out to be truly monumental changes to the way they

National radio launch of ‘Ready for the Road?’ with TyreSafe

By |2020-07-09T19:22:09+01:00June 12th, 2020|DfBB Articles|

On 27th May, Driving for Better Business joined TyreSafe to launch the 'Ready for the Road?' campaign. Coordinated by the National Roads Policing Operations and Intelligence group, the campaign seeks to help all road users stay safe as they return to the roads. To support this launch, Simon Turner, Campaign Manager for Driving for

People power keeps van heroes moving

By |2022-12-15T14:15:43+00:00June 10th, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

Van Heroes working harder than ever The nation’s van community is working harder than ever on the front line to deliver more medical supplies, groceries, essential goods and parcels – but it has come at considerable personal cost, according to Mercedes-Benz Vans. Biz Barometer report Their Business Barometer report is a nationwide quarterly survey

Bringing drivers and vehicles back to work safely

By |2022-12-15T14:14:43+00:00June 4th, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

What is the 'new normal'? What will ‘normal’ look like post-lockdown? There is renewed focus on getting us back to work – but there is no doubt that this will introduce new challenges in its own right. For organisations that manage fleets of vehicles, one central challenge is how to reinstate vehicles that have

Business resilience more important than ever following COVID-19

By |2022-12-15T14:14:39+00:00June 3rd, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

Grappling with the future of your business Business resilience and continuity have never before been such high-profile, high-stakes issues, across a myriad of corporate sectors. Organisations are grappling with the twin challenges of maintaining customer relationships amid drastic changes to their normal operations, while looking after their staff at a time of huge uncertainty.

Vehicle maintenance during lockdown – the perils

By |2022-12-08T12:11:16+00:00May 29th, 2020|DfBB Articles, News|

Vehicle maintenance during lockdown is a challenge. Of course, it should always be a key priority for fleet operators. Ensuring your vehicles are roadworthy is a critical element of compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks, of reliable service provision to customers, and in keeping your drivers safe and protected at work. The perils of

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