October is Tyre Safety Month and this year’s campaign has a musical theme – Tune into Tyre Safety.
When did you last Get into the Groove to do a tyre tread depth check? Did you know 27% of tyres are already illegal by the time they are replaced?
Are your tyres Under Pressure ? Research shows that 57% of all tyres are underinflated by at least 4psi – that’s more than 10% underinflated for a typical car.
Driving on poorly maintained or defective tyres can affect the handling and braking performance of the vehicle, increasing the risk of a collision and putting drivers and other road users at risk. According to the Department for Transport, around 1000 incidents a year are tyre-related and 200 of those result in a death or life-changing injury – that more than are caused by drivers distracted through using a mobile phone.
It also increases the amount of fuel used – nationally, businesses waste £600 million every year in additional fuel use from drivers with underinflated tyres.
Charity TyreSafe, the organisers of Tyre Safety Month is therefore asking employers to encourage all their drivers to remember to check their tyres, especially important as the colder and wetter weather starts to arrive after a hot summer.
Correct tyre management and maintenance is vital for fleets.
From a legal perspective, it helps ensure that the vehicles meet all road traffic laws and requirements, as well as complying with Health and Safety regulations. It also can reduce the risk of employees and management being prosecuted for road traffic accidents when suffered in work time.
There are significant business and financial benefits too. Tyres last longer when correctly inflated, reducing fleet running costs. Correct tyre pressure also helps to reduce fuel bills. There might also be fewer missed meetings and business opportunities which could be caused through tyre failure.
Please visit TyreSafe’s online channels this Tyre Safety Month:
You can download posters and campaign resources here
Twitter: @TyreSafe
Facebook: TyreSafeUK
YouTube: TyreSafe
Stuart Jackson, Chairman of TyreSafe, said: “This year’s theme for Tyre Safety Month is all about engaging with drivers. The underlying message is a serious and important one but with the scope for creativity in sharing the message, there’s no reason it can’t be fun to be involved. No need to feel Under Pressure – just Tune Into Tyre Safety.”