Project EDWARD 2023

The 2023 Project EDWARD week of action supported by National Highways is taking place from 15 – 19 May to coincide with the UN Global Road Safety Week.

Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) is the biggest platform for showcasing good practice in road safety in the UK.

Managed by Projects Zero, it is backed by government, the emergency services, highways agencies, road safety organisations and British businesses. It promotes an evidence-led, ‘safe system’ approach – the long-term objective of which is a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.

Managing driver safety well – the benefits

Access to content and resources that support the goal of safer roads and  improved management of road risk is something that the Driving for Better Business programme actively supports for those who manage drivers.

Our  driving for work case studies tell the stories of those organisations that are experiencing a significant drop in the number of collisions, reductions in speeding offences and penalty notices, as well as bottom line improvements due to reductions in fuel spend, insurance premiums and bent metal costs.

Of course, they are also contributing to improvements in driver safety and the safety of other road users.

Mick Kiely who is the Fleet Manager at TES 2000 – keen advocates of the Driving for Better Business programme – highlights his passion for implementing a robust driver and vehicle safety management programme:

“12 years ago, a friend of mine was killed in a non-fault road traffic collision while he was driving home. I arrived at the scene to witness my colleague’s lifeless body in the driver’s seat. That opened my eyes and I stepped aside from my job and went into fleet management. I’m relentless in educating employees and directors about their responsibilities. I never want to have to knock on someone’s door and offer my condolences due to a road traffic collision.”

Project EDWARD – safe vehicles & safe road users

The aim of the Project EDWARD week of action is to provide a platform that showcases some of the best work being done around the country to promote:

» Safe Roads
» Safe Vehicles
» Safe Speeds
» Safe Road Users
» Post-Crash Response

The theme for 2023 is Safer Mobility, Everyone’s Responsibility. It’s a message that should resonate with fleet managers and those who employ or manage drivers and their vehicles. It requires an approach that deters dangerous behaviour and ensures compliance – with both education & enforcement. The Driving for Better Business Programme is proud to be providing driver training and fleet safety resources to help driver managers work towards that.

Safe Speed – safer roads

safe speed - reducing speeding incidents for fleet managers and those who employ drivers

One area where employers that manage driver safety well are often able to demonstrate significant reductions is in speeding by their drivers. Less speeding leads to lower numbers of incidents and a wide range of associated business benefits.

You can find out more about the programme for Project Edward on their website here.

If you’d like to understand more about the business benefits of managing driver safety well, take a look at our case studies featuring organisations that are leading from the top.



Simon Turner

Simon Turner
Campaign Manager
Driving for Better Business

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