
driver safety standards

Best Driver Risk Management Performance 2023 – the winners

By |2024-06-03T15:38:23+01:00April 27th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Heineken UK wins Driver Risk Management award Heineken UK was named best performing employer for managing driver risk by National Highways, through its Driving for Better Business programme. It was announced at the 2023 Safety & Health Excellence Awards on 26th April 2023. This is a new award which was created to recognise those employers who have

Fitness to drive – in-vehicle safety systems for driver safety & wellbeing

By |2024-06-03T15:46:59+01:00April 17th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Fitness to drive covers many aspects of well-being including lone working, mental and physical health and driver focus. We talk to Solera Fleet Solutions about how in-vehicle video-based safety systems can help identify potential fitness to drive related issues and keep drivers and other road users safer. DO I NEED A DRIVING FOR WORK

Vehicle Maintenance and Earned Recognition

By |2024-06-03T16:04:17+01:00April 3rd, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Vehicle maintenance = driver safety Proper vehicle maintenance is a key part of ensuring driver safety. We spoke to DVSA’s Enforcement Policy Manager, David Wood, to learn why. We will also explore how DVSA’s earned recognition scheme can support operators in achieving vehicle and driver safety standards. Proactive vehicle maintenance is essential to road

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