

Michelin warns fleets on cost of driving on under-inflated tyres

By |2022-12-09T12:13:42+00:00July 28th, 2017|DfBB Articles|

Following on from my post about the Tyresafe Briefing earlier this month which outlined how the core message for this year’s tyre safety month would be the problem of under-inflated tyres, Michelin, a Driving for Better Business champion, is advising businesses that the cost of this widespread and worrying practice is increasing. Research by

Are tyres the biggest risk to your fleet?

By |2018-05-02T13:36:32+01:00July 7th, 2017|DfBB Articles|

A study conducted by TyreSafe revealed Britain’s motorists could be spending up to £600 million on unnecessary fuel bills and putting themselves and other road users at risk. Why? Because research suggests that a staggering 57% of tyres in the UK are under-inflated by at least 4psi (more than 10%) which causes them to wear

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