UK Fleet Size:
HGV: 158
LCV: 1432
Company Cars: 477
Grey Fleet: 98
Business overview
The Clancy Group Plc, through Clancy Docwra Limited, is well established as one of the leading national construction companies in the UK. It employs over 2,700 people across the UK, has offices across the UK from Livingston in Scotland, to the Isle of Wight and has a turnover of £250m.
Summary of at-work driving activities
The diverse fleet migrates between several depots across the UK and various contracts as required and is made up of managers in company cars, skilled operatives in commercial vehicles, dedicated HGV drivers, and a substantial amount of grey fleet drivers, all of whom are pro-actively engaged in our Fleet Safety Management programme. The fleet covers approximately sixty million miles per year on a combination of motorway, urban and rural roads.
Business values
The Clancy Group is built on good traditional family and business value
- Client Satisfaction – We are committed to delivering the highest level of service to our clients within the ethos of value for money
- Integrity – We are committed to honesty and trustworthiness with clients and colleagues
- Stability – We are committed to invest in people to provide the foundations for success
- Standards – We are committed to the continual improvement of quality, health, safety and environmental standards
The Group’s approach to business is set out in its 6S Vision.
- Safe, Successful, Sustainable, Secure, Skilled, Systems
We are committed to delivering the highest level of service to our clients and to the continual improvement of Fleet Safety, Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental standards.
The organisation has fully engaged in the strong business case of reducing road risk, reducing costs, reducing our carbon footprint and ensuring,
“We all go home safe every day”
The Clancy Group Board of Directors support the Fleet Safety Management and Compliance team in their work. The benefits the team bring to the business in making all our drivers behave in a more professional manner is totally aligned to our Group’s Mission statement ‘To make life better for all our families’
Bernie Stack
Director of Plant, Transport and Traffic Management
The Clancy Group
Leadership in fleet safety
The Group Board of Directors is accountable for all HSE&Q issues including Occupational Road Risk. Moreover, the joint owners and Chairmen of the Group Kevin and Dermot Clancy are personally committed to the effective delivery and continual improvement of the Group’s Fleet Safety Management profile.
In terms of Fleet Safety Management & Compliance, we have a hierarchical umbrella of corporate governance and accountability ranging from a strategic level, a tactical level, and an operational level ensuring communication on key performance indicators is delivered effectively and efficiently.
Strategic level
The Board of Directors was responsible for the creation of the Fleet Safety Management & Compliance team. In addition, Colin Knight, Head of Fleet Safety, reports directly to Board member Bernie Stack who is Director of Plant, Transport and Traffic Management. Mr Stack is fully committed to continually improving fleet safety whilst driving down operating costs across the Clancy Group.
Tactical level
The monthly Fleet Safety Management and Compliance Business Review meeting has a direct reporting line into the Board of Directors and is chaired by the Head of Fleet Safety Management and Compliance, Colin Knight. This forum provides the space where all tactical decisions relating to fleet safety, fleet costs and fleet compliance are agreed upon and planned
Operational Level
To provide a framework for our Fleet Safety Management activities, we have firmly embedded the GDE Matrix (Goals for Driver Education) and the HSE principles of the PDCA Cycle of continuous improvement into Fleet Safety Management and this is delivered throughout the group by Regional Transport and Driver Safety Managers.
Collecting, analysing and acting on data
Over the Past 2 years we have invested significantly in fleet safety technology and recruited highly qualified fleet safety professionals to assist us with our 2020 vision and to defend three main areas of our operations:
- Our drivers and other road users
- Our Brand
- The financial implications of neglected fleet safety management
To that end, we aim to provide a systematic, methodical and professional approach to managing our road risk by ensuring we implement data-driven driver safety interventions.
We use a third party online driver risk management system which includes an on-line driving licence check and risk assessment. We also conduct drug and alcohol screening for all new drivers as well as conducting D&A tests after road traffic collisions.
We have fitted forward facing cameras in company cars and a selection of commercial vehicles. Telematics/black box technology is fitted to every company owned vehicle within the fleet. We have employed a full time Fleet Safety Data Performance Analyst, who collects, collates and distributes data from all of our systems allowing the Fleet Safety Management & Compliance team to create data driven performance improvement KPI’s and training interventions to our wider business.
Data from the following sources is analysed:
- On Line Driving Licence Check and Risk Assessment Management Tool
- Tracker Black Box Driver Style
- Forward Facing Cameras
- AVIVA Insurance Claims History
- Maintenance and Defect Records
- Fuel Card Data
By using a combination of claims statistics and utilising our in-vehicle forward facing cameras we produce our own company branded data-driven video toolbox talks based on collision trends.
The data is then analysed before being translated firstly into strategy and subsequently into accountability and ownership by local line managers. This provides them with the insights and skills to manage their fleet properly and understand the influence they have on the behaviour of their drivers and the general safety culture.
Our data tells us that only 10-20% of our drivers fall into the critically high risk rating and we have therefore developed behavioural based coaching programmes for both drivers and their managers.
Performance measures
The dedicated Fleet Safety Management & Compliance team support the wider business in the implementation of our fleet and driver safety policies and risk assessment activities and these are influenced by the output from Monthly Regional Fleet Safety Performance Data Dashboards. In addition the team works very closely with external stakeholders to ensure all third party fleet data is turned into performance measures.
The Monthly Dashboards contain the following feet safety KPI’s
- Collision frequencies, types, severity and costs to the business
- Redzone drivers based on telemetry and camera data (speeding and other driver style)
- Fuel usage, containing, costs, CO2, idling, over capacity filling, out of hours driving
- Compliance to On-line Risk Management Portal
- OCRS scores
- Driving fines and offences
- Tyre transactions and wear
- Van weight & compliance
Business benefits
Collision data is analysed daily, and high risk groups identified. A monthly summary is then generated and communicated back to the wider business, identifying drivers, vehicles and any associated costs to the business.
A Key Performance Indicator for this metric is the Collision Frequency Rate. Safer driving, as evidenced from our telematics data, has reduced ‘at fault’ claims by around 20% against the previous year. Additional benefits included include reductions in repair costs, emissions and fuel use.

Managing driver safety within the Clancy Group is paramount because it helps us protect our two biggest assets – our people and our brand reputation. With all of the work we’ve done around fleet safety management, not only have we improved driver safety by reducing our collision frequencies, we’ve identified a whole range of other efficiencies as well in terms of fuel reduction, CO2 and maintenance costs.
We’re particularly pleased with our reduction in fuel use. As the business has grown, our total mileage has increased significantly yet the amount of fuel bought has reduced leading to a near 30% overall improvement in fuel efficiency.
Colin Knight
Head of Fleet Safety Management & Compliance
The Clancy Group was awarded the Gold Fleet Safety accolade from RoSPA which reinforces that Fleet Safety Management & Compliance is engrained into the DNA of our business. Bernie Stack Clancy Plant Director was presented with the award during a ceremony at the ExCeL, London on Tuesday, June 20, 2017.
Through the RoSPA Awards scheme, which is open to businesses and organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas, judges consider entrants’ overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
It was a double celebration for the Clancy Group at the RoSPA Awards as we also picked up a Gold Award for Health & Safety.