Ringway is responsible for maintaining over 50,000 kms of the UK’s highways network, delivering specialist highway services across the largest highways maintenance portfolio within the UK, including strategic road network, DBFO motorway and trunk roads, and the local authority network.
Fleet Size:
Drivers (total): 1,534
Company Cars: 180
Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV): 517
Large Goods Vehicles (HGV): 418
Grey Fleet: 53

Business Benefits (2015-2018)
- Commercial vehicle crashes down 14%
- Company car crashes down 21%
- Commercial vehicle crash damage costs down 23% (equates to a cash saving of £130,000)
- Driver fault crashes in Ringway down 63%
“We operate from the North of Scotland to the South West tip of England, with many and varied operations that necessitate rigorous management of risk. We firmly believe that all our people, including our supply chain, come to work and must go home safe – in body and in mind. We try to be very passionate when it comes to managing and leading health, safety and wellbeing, keeping our message fresh, appropriate and genuine, while making all levels in our organisation visible, accessible and inclusive. We are proud to be part of Driving for Better Business and hope we can work with all the partners to make our roads safer.”
Scott Wardrop
Eurovia UK Chief Executive
“Since January 2009 the management of road risk/fleet safety has been part of our management of health and safety at work. The management of road risk is no different to the management of any other risk to the business. With this ethos in mind we have made considerable progress through to 2019. The management of road risk is now well established in the business and seen as being key to our success.”
David Campbell
HS&E Director