Mott MacDonald is a global engineering, management, and development consultancy. Our 17,000 colleagues are based in 150 countries around the world. In the UK we employ over 8500 staff, with less than 2000 of whom actively drive on company business.
Fleet Size:
Drivers (total): < 2,000

Business Benefits (2013-2022)
- Total business mileage reduced by 71%
- Number of employees required to drive down 66%
- Number of vehicle accidents down 50%
- Fuel use down 50% (equating to an annual saving of c£140,000)
- CO2 reduction of >2000 tonnes per year over 2013 baseline
“Driving is the single most dangerous work activity for our people. Over recent years we’ve had a clear focus on reducing the number of accidents and serious injuries through raising awareness, changing behaviours and training our people.”
Cathy Travers
Regional General Manager, EUNA
“It’s fantastic to see the continued progress Mott MacDonald has made in reducing the environmental impact from their driving for work activities and we welcome them as a Driving for Better Business Champion. Better management of staff who drive has brought year-on-year reductions in the number of their employees driving for work, as well as the number of miles they drive. This, in turn, has led to a near halving of fuel use and a reduction in CO2 emissions of around 1,500 tons per year – improvements that support the work we do through our own environmental strategy, and are an example I hope many others will follow.”
Jim O’Sullivan
Chief Executive, Highways England