Policing plays a critical role in making our roads safer – bringing offenders to justice and educating the public. The APCC is seeking to make a bigger contribution to road safety – working with the NPCC and Government to place a higher priority on the safety of our road network and bring about change where it is most needed. We welcome the Government’s announcement earlier this year of its intention to redraft its road safety statement and the subsequent investments into road safety initiatives but there remains much to do.
Through our respective lead roles for road safety with the APCC and NPCC, we are looking to work more closely by co-ordinating activity where appropriate. It is with this in mind that we are writing to encourage PCCs and Chief Constables to give their backing to Highways England’s Driving for Better Business programme.
Please register your own Police force as a supporter of the Driving for Better Business programme using the form below. We would ask that you also consider adopting the Driving for Better Business 7-Steps to Excellence in your OPCC and Force and would equally encourage you to promote the scheme widely across your partnership contacts and business networks.
Alison Hernandez
APCC Lead for Road Safety and
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly

Anthony Bangham
NPCC Roads Policing lead and
Chief Constable, West Mercia Police