Manager Training

Speedy Hire – Training

By |2023-07-21T15:21:09+01:00July 17th, 2023|

Speedy Services is whole-fleet accredited to FORS Gold for the 9th consecutive year, a CLOCS champion and has DVSA Earned Recognition. It also works closely with the City of London police and other constabularies, using its trucks for ‘exchanging places’ events with cyclists. Its training is all conducted in-house, by its own training team and

Fleet Safety Focus – Distraction

By |2023-07-18T11:10:26+01:00June 8th, 2023|

Distraction is a leading a cause of collision. Whether manual, visual or cognitive, a distracted driver is not in full control of their vehicle, nor able to process and adapt to the changing environment around them. Fleets should educate drivers about the huge risks associated with distraction, and ensure that drivers have safe ways of alleviating

Making The Big Shift in Safety Culture

By |2022-10-25T17:00:31+01:00October 25th, 2022|

The old ways aren’t always the best ways. They are just the way things have always been done and it’s time to make a shift. It is not an easy one. We aren’t just talking about technology and equipment, or conducting ‘behavioural safety training. The Big Shift is about embracing human factors and optimising how

Case Study – Tarmac

By |2022-10-04T10:33:39+01:00May 25th, 2022|

Tarmac is the UK’s leading sustainable building materials and construction solutions business. Transport and Logistics is an essential part of the Tarmac business, from sourcing materials from quarries to production sites to delivering materials to customer construction sites. Tarmac operates a diverse HGV fleet UK wide, including a combination of tankers, rigid tippers and mixers,

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