Both Aaron and Gareth have cameras in their own vehicles to promote driver buy in. Some drivers were initially worried at the thought of ‘being watched’ but once assured that the footage is only consulted in the event of an incident or third-party claim, they accepted them. In fact the camera footage has a strong record in defending the drivers against spurious or not-at-fault claims which in the past would have been settled 50-50 for lack of evidence.
“We are mitigating risk but we are also protecting our drivers from unfounded accusations” says Gareth.
If a driver is involved in a collision which was not their fault, the company provides them, free of charge, with the footage for use in a personal injury claim against the other party.
The company’s claims have dropped by 13%, but the nature of the incidents has also changed, with the vast majority now being low speed manoeuvring collisions. Hence, Speedy Services has invested in automated braking systems for reversing to complement the cameras in an attempt to eradicate these incidents.
Drivers are rewarded for good performance. Every month the best driver by region receives £100 voucher, and the best driver of the year is awarded a prize and recognition at the company’s annual colleague awards ceremony.