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This introductory guide provides simple advice, based on the HSE’s approach of ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’, and signposts you to more detailed guidance. It is designed for organisations that may not have considered this issue previously and are unsure how to start.


An Introduction to Managing Occupational Road Risk

Road safety advice for those driving or riding for the gig economy.


Driving and Riding for Work in the Gig Economy

A guide that provides information to fleet managers about choosing and buying safer vehicles based on factors such as vehicle use.


Driving for Work: Choosing Safer Vehicles

This guide provides advice to employers about the dangers of drink and drug driving and offers information on how to encourage safe practice.


Driving for Work: Drink and Drugs

A concise look at how employers can assess and train their employees who drive for work, in order to reduce occupational road risk.


Driving for Work: Driver Assessment and Training

A guide which gives information about driver fitness issues, and guidance for employers on how to ensure their employees are fit to drive.


Driving for Work: Fitness to Drive

A guide that advises employers on creating and implementing effective and methodical incident reporting and investigation procedures.


Driving for Work: Incident Reporting and Investigation

A short guide explaining how to prevent inappropriate mobile phone use on the road by employees.


Driving for Work: Mobile Phones

This guide advises employers on how to implement policies that explain to employees if, when and how they can use their own vehicles for work.


Driving for Work: Own Vehicles

This guide gives concise information to employers and line managers on how to safely plan their organisation's journeys, including an example journey planner.


Driving for Work: Safe Journey Planning

A guide that gives advice to employers and line managers on how to encourage safer driving speeds at work.


Driving for Work: Safer Speeds

This concise guide informs employers about the use of telematics for work, including how employees can use telematics effectively.


Driving for Work: Using Telematics
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