Good Practice Case Study Insurance Benefits - Auto Windscreens

Auto Windscreens – Insurance Benefits

Although the company has not yet seen a reduction in premiums because of inflation, its premiums have held steady. In 2019 its incidents per 100,000 miles stood at 2.8, compared to 1.7 at the end of 2022. Its claims cost has dropped by 19% since 2019. The type and severity of incident has changed, with the majority of incidents now being low speed manoeuvres, which involve some vehicle damage but no injury. Impacts at junctions, and rear end collisions have reduced. Shaun attributes much of the improvement to the extensive training the company conducted around issues like tailgating, safe pulling-out and distracted driving. Low speed manoeuvres will continue to be a future focus for the fleet in terms of education and training.

Provider: Driving for Better Business
Resource Type: Web link

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