Like to share relevant resources with your drivers?
The British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) commissioned the Energy Saving Trust (EST) to undertake research into the scale of grey fleet use in the UK.
Getting to Grips with Grey Fleet
Road safety advice for those driving or riding for the gig economy.
Driving and Riding for Work in the Gig Economy
This guide advises employers on how to implement policies that explain to employees if, when and how they can use their own vehicles for work.
Driving for Work: Own Vehicles
A handbook for volunteer drivers that covers key information such as safety provisions, and the law concerning voluntary driving.
Volunteer Driver’s Handbook
COVID-19 has wrought many changes to how we run our businesses, not least of which is the massive potential increase in grey fleet caused by working from home.
Driving for Better Business
Is your grey fleet about to explode?
Stephen Briers, Editor-in-Chief of Fleet News says there is simply no excuse for companies to allow staff to drive around unchecked in their own vehicles.
Fleet News
There’s no excuse for not managing grey fleet
Adam Bamford, Expedite Services Manager of Selenity, explains that 1 in 5 grey fleet drivers fail their insurance checks.
Grey fleet drivers fail insurance checks
Grey fleet drivers represent one of the single most at-risk groups for businesses today. Why? Peter Golding, Managing Director of FleetCheck says it's because many businesses simply do not realise the level of responsibility they have.
Your grey fleet may be bigger than you think
Ian Featherstone of Energy Saving Trust thinks grey fleet is being fuelled by a growing tendency for cash allowances to be offered to employees.
Energy Saving Trust
Companies are losing control with cash allowance
All over Europe, businesses allow employees to use their own cars for work journeys. However, research indicates that many drivers are not checking their vehicles before a business trip.
Driving for Better Business
Grey fleet drivers not undertaking basic maintenance
Oz Choudhri, Head of Public Sector at Enterprise, explains how their customers have ditched their grey fleet, pool and lease cars to save money, time and emissions.
Can you really ditch your Grey Fleet?
Stephen Briers, Editor-in-Chief of Fleet News, says there is nothing inherently wrong with having a grey fleet but good management takes admin time, the right processes and resource.
Fleet News
Far too few companies manage grey fleet properly
This paper demonstrates how organisations that take simple steps towards better management of their Grey Fleet vehicles and drivers, will significantly reduce risks for their employees and reduce costs and administration.