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Driving for work policy example. The law says all companies must have policies and procedures to minimise risk – and that includes the recognised risks around driving. Your driving for work policy is how you demonstrate your commitment to doing this well.

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Drug driving among commercial vehicle drivers is one the fastest growing and most concerning challenges facing driver safety managers, with many police forces reporting more drug driving offences than drink driving ones. This talk will look at the size of the problem, good practice on driving for...

Driving for Better Business

The growing problem of drug driving for work

The Group Fleet Policy is backed by 17 further individual policies, ensuring legal compliance, and is a fundamental part of the Group integrated management systems. WJ Group’s Compliance Plan sets out clear procedures and responsibilities for: Management, Vehicles, Drivers, and Operations,...

Driving for Better Business

WJ Group – Driver Policy

There has been a staggering 400% rise in drug driving since March 2020, compared with 250% for drink driving in the same period. Drug driving includes those on prescription drugs. Companies should: Educate directors and managers about drugs and alcohol misuse. Learn how to recognise...

Prescription Drugs and Your Drivers

Survey uncovers UK employers are risking the safety and well-being of those who drive for work . Study of 1,006 UK employees and 255 C-Suite (Executive Directors) highlights failures by UK bosses to implement driving for work policy.

Driving for Better Business

DfBB launches report on leadership in risk management

There are no reasons why electric vehicles should not be as safe as any other, however, they do bring specific risks with which you may be unfamiliar.

Driving for Better Business

Electric Vans and your ‘Driving for Work’ policy

We presented three days of expert opinion, good practice and thought leadership in the Driver Safety Zone 2024. It was a vital update for safety professionals. The videos of all sessions are now available - including the Mock Trial of an employer. Watch what happens when a serious incident...

Mock Trial & Driver Safety Zone Videos

Group Fleet Manager Matt Neale is responsible for the 500 light commercial vehicles used by another of Platform HG’s subsidiaries which services tenanted properties. Although all of Platform HG’s workforce is united by their overall status as part of the Platform HG charity, technically Matt...

Driving for Better Business

Platform Housing Group – Leadership

A strategic review of risks associated with cars and light vans plus implications for policy and practice.


Landmark study reveals driving for work death toll

Working with the National Highways Commercial Vehicle Incident Prevention Team, we have produced a van driver handbook to assist van drivers and fleet operators in dispelling uncertainty and myth. You can also share the online Van Driver Toolkit with your drivers, or you may prefer to share...

Driving for Better Business, National Highways

Van Driver Toolkit Handbook